Napoleon Charcoal Basket for Kettle Grills









SKU: 66800002260 Category:
  • Built to last, the aluminized steel baskets are perfect for wrangling charcoal in your favorite Kettle-Style Charcoal Barbecue Grills
  • Easily create direct and indirect grilling zones in your charcoal barbecue grill by placing the baskets together or apart
  • Place the baskets towards the walls of the charcoal barbecue grill to create indirect heat
  • Place the baskets back to back in the center of the barbecue grill for high heat searing
  • Ideal for charcoal or wood, these Charcoal Baskets help to provide even heat distribution while encouraging an efficient burn
  • If charcoal is not consumed completely while cooking, the baskets will keep the unused coals contained until cool where they can be used for the next time you grill
  • Add even more flavor by including your favorite flavors of wood chips or chunks in the charcoal baskets during a cook for some smoky goodness
